Friday, 20 May 2011

A quick update...

...on the progress of one or two of the Brit Writers’ Awards Publishing Programme participants, which I’m sure they won’t mind me sharing. 

For information, the May 2011 edition of Write Now! Magazine is out, packed with information for new and unpublished writers, and starring our very own Claire Kinton, BWA Publishing Programme author, who visited Parkdale Primary School in Nottingham.  Claire, author of DEAD GAME, was there to give a talk on writing and being an author following a week of creative writing activities undertaken by the children as part of the BWA Creative Writing Programme. 

Claire was joined by Imran Akram, Brit Writers CEO, and Susanne Murray, Nottinghamshire schools supplier TTS Group, who are on board as local Schools Territory Partner, effectively sponsoring every school in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to benefit from free membership of the BWA Creative Writing Programme. 

This is one of many  talks Claire is giving in hopes of inspiring children to put pen to paper and express their ideas.  From feedback, it is clear that she is indeed an inspiration.  Well done, Claire!

Another BWA Publishing Programme participant, Eiry Rees Thomas, author of THE FLITWIT CAPERS - a humorous series of books for early readers/transition books category, is also out and about visiting schools. Eiry’s stories feature fictional characters named THE FLITWITS and Eiry – together with her illustrator, staff and pupils at the school - will be dressing up as the characters – making learning and reading huge fun for the children. Another inspiring idea.  Congrats on that, Eiry!  Also on getting Imran Akram, Brit Writers CEO, to participate.  We look forward to photographs.  
Ruth Heald, author of the novel "27", which was selected by the second BWA programme, also runs short story competitions Five Stop Story - Writers - 2011 Short Story Competitions which is featured on the back page of Write Now! Ruth has been asked to speak at the Bangkok Literature festival!  Great Stuff! 
All in all an industrious group of writers. 
As for moi… Well, I have an author-friendly publisher interested in some of my rom com stories. Yay!  I’m really pleased about this.  Not least because without the support of the BWA – along with that of my lovely fellow authors on the BWA Publishing Programme, I might not have had the confidence to just go for it and submit.  Thanks guys!
Safkhet started as a company providing text work to other publishers. It evolved into a publishing house that is truly honest with its authors, freelancers and business partners to create a fantastic work environment bringing high quality books that make a difference to the world.

Right, I’m off to write another chapter on the follow up to my soon to be published book, FIVE SHALLOW BREATHS.  The new book is called STRANGE DARK PLACES, the outline for which has been co-written with my son.  I hate to admit it, but his idea is awesome!  Far better than mine.

More to follow on other participants... as soon as I can catch up with them.

Happy writing all!


  1. So exciting to hear that Five Shallow Breaths is soon to be published. I wish you every luck with it.

    It's also a lovely idea to report on the efforts and successes of others in the group. I feel quite lazy when I see all the work they are doing!

  2. Oh I like the sound of 'Strange Dark Places' - I can't wait to hear more about it.

    As for all the good work going on, it's true - they're a talented bunch and I'm regularly amazed at how hard everyone is working. I've congratulated you on your success with Safkhet, but I want to say it again - well done and you deserve it :)

  3. Thanks, Paddy and George! Paddy, it is true social networking and whatnot can be tiring - on the old peepers(!), but it's so much easier when you have other people to share and interact with. Also, having a technical expert in house - that would be George - helps, finding out how things work being half the problem. :)

  4. You work so hard on behalf of the group, Leanne, and inspire us all to communicate and share our progress and experiences.
    Congratulations on your own progression and with the co-written book. That's a tremendous outcome of the BWA publishing programme involvement and something to look out for.
    Yes, Flitwit versions of Imran and Zareen at the school sounds interesting! Will keep you posted.:)

  5. You work so hard on behalf of the group, Leanne, and inspire us all to communicate and share our progress and experiences.
    Congratulations on your own progression and with the co-written book. That's a tremendous outcome of the BWA publishing programme involvement and something to look out for.
    Yes, Flitwit versions of Imran and Zareen at the school sounds interesting! Will keep you posted.:)

  6. Hi Leanne - great news about the publisher - congrats.
    Sounds like you're enjoying writing your follow up book to Five Shallow Breaths - It gives me two books to look forward to rather than just the one!

  7. Thanks, Ruth. That's the thing about writers - we just have to write! It’s great to be working with such a diverse, yet cohesive, talented group of people though, isn’t it?

  8. Eiry, we want photos! I'm smiling just thinking about it. :)

  9. Fantastic Leanne - I can't wait to see the photo's Eiry - brilliant. I'm, like you Leanne, working hard on DEAD GAME's sequel WAITING GAME - enjoy writing and massive congratulations on the rom com story x

  10. Thanks, Claire. I think we're all a bit fired up and inspired. This is how we power through the bleary-eyed exhaustion that creeps up on us sometimes. And this girl (Claire, not me) has THREE small children. Definitely an inspiration. Good Luck with WAITING GAME, Claire. After reading DEAD GAME, I’m on the buy list!

  11. Congratulations regarding rom com story, and Strange Dark Places sounds a fantastic title. Look forward to seeing Eiry's photos as well.
    You all sound so busy, I don't know how you fit in time to write.

  12. In small bursts, Sakthi! Personally, I find sharing the inspiring stories of our fellow writers inspires me. Course, this is before I fall unconscious. :)

  13. I persuaded group member Beryl to dress up as a ghost for Flitwit Friday at the school, but will let her off on account of just having had her hair pampered.
    Watch out for green face paint Beryl!
    Great that we have first publications and sequels to look forward to.
    Happy scribbling, everyone:)

  14. This sounds like it's going to be a stress-busting, fun-filled day, Eiry. Flitwit Friay... has a bit of ring to it, doesn't it? Beryl could be a visiting Royal Flitwit and have someone hold a brolly over her head. :)

  15. A little string of comments from fellow authors got lost, so I am redirecting them here, safely home. :) Thank you Catherine Cooper and Eiry.

    Catherine Cooper: Hi Leanne... just tried to post a comment on your blog and failed miserably! Just wanted to say congratulations to you all... great things happening.

    Eiry Rees Thomas: See what you started, Catherine!!

    Moi: Thanks, Catherine. You're far from a misrable failure, m'dear. Did you see the photo in the Write Now! Mag? All those children reading YOUR books. Wonderful! Huge success, I call it, touching base with children's imaginations and encouraging them to read. :) x

    Catherine: Just had a great visit today at a local school... that's my 46th school visit since the book was published and I've loved every one of them. It's wonderful when you find out later the children are enjoying reading as a direct result of an author visit and some of them are now writing stories of their own... a whole new generation of writers on their way.

    Eiry: That's so true, Catherine, and though I'm only a fledgling, hoping for a breakthrough, the school visits have been a total joy. It makes the hard, but enjoyable work worthwhile.

    Moi: I mentioned this before: A school asked me if I would be a critique partner to some of the children on their Creative Writing Project. When I received the first email, the child asked me if I would be his “critical” partner. I had to smile, ear to ear. Bless. Well done to both of you. Mutual smiles all around: children and authors. :) x

    Catherine: Couldn't agree more Eiry... love the above story Leanne.
